About Us

We are a community of guitar enthusiasts, and we want to spread the love for music to anyone with the heart to play.

Whether you’re just starting out and you have no idea which type of guitar is right for you, or you’re a seasoned guitar player looking to invest in a new instrument, we’ve got you covered. 

We write about electric and acoustic guitars, as well as accessories, pedals, and amps. We also cover ukuleles, mandolins, and banjos, as well as online guitar courses.

We’ll also help you navigate guitar maintenance with detailed how-to guides.


Late ED Lozano

ED Lozano

Ed Lozano, a pro guitarist and instructor, sadly passed away in 2024. He created popular courses for Guitar Space and worked with legends like Bob Dylan and Paul Simon. His legacy lives on.

Altin Goni

Altin loves playing guitar and wants to help other guitarists flourish. He's saddened by seeing people give up on their musical journey and is dedicated to helping beginners overcome challenges and master the instrument.

Gustavo Pereira

Gustavo learned guitar by traveling the world and watching master players, not by taking lessons. He wants to share his knowledge in a simple way, making guitar accessible for everyone.

Taylor Petrie

Taylor is a highly experienced guitarist with diverse skills, from classical knowledge to fronting bands. He's passionate about sharing his expertise and helping others master the guitar.

Pietro Venza

Pietro is a lifelong guitarist with extensive performance experience. He's passionate about helping others learn and find joy in playing, even making practice fun and engaging.

Kyle Baker

Kyle is a multi-talented guitarist with a decade of experience as a musician and teacher. He's passionate about all things guitar, from playing in various bands to repairing and even building them.

Stephanie Jensen

Stephanie Jensen is a seasoned music journalist specializing in the metal scene. She's passionate about music and contributes to various publications, including Guitar Space. Although she plays guitar and bass, writing is her true forte.
Alizabeth Swain

Alizabeth Swain

Alizabeth is a lifelong guitarist who's passionate about helping others learn. She offers guidance on everything from choosing the right gear to finding the best lessons and songs, making guitar playing easier for all.

Calum Vaughan

Calum's passion for the guitar started early, and he's been playing since he was just 8 years old. He's dedicated to constantly improving his own guitar skills, but his love for music goes beyond personal development.

Our Editorial Review Policy

We take product recommendations very seriously around here. Before we recommend an alternative guitar, an amp, guitar lesson service, anything – we do extensive research. That starts with researching the history and public reviews of each product or service, including accessing the right scientific studies, consulting experts in the space (guitar teachers, professional musicians, and music industry experts) and reading real people reviews and use cases of each product.

As much as possible, our writers and editorial team use and test each instrument, accessory, or service in their real lives. We not only evaluate and discuss the benefits of each product, but we can then talk about the durability, sound, tone, performance, and personal nuance, things you might not find in other reviews, but that really matters to our audience
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