Gustavo isn’t like other guitar players; instead of paying for lessons from a guitar teacher, he traveled around the world to watch the greats. 

Along the way, he’s met some really amazing people that have shared some invaluable lessons that he hopes to share with anyone looking to learn the guitar. 

He doesn’t believe in all of the fancy talk that comes with learning the guitar; he wants to break down the basics so that no matter what type of musical experience you have, you’ll understand too.

Gustavo Pereira

Euphonious Touring Guitarist

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about Gustavo

Why am I giving advice on Guitar Space?

I decided to give advice on Guitar Space because when I started playing, I learned a lot from other more experienced players. In fact, this life-long journey of playing the guitar has brought some of the most amazing people into my life. 

That is why sharing knowledge about everything related to music and guitar is one of my passions. I always try to present each concept the way I would have liked someone to explain it to me when I didn’t know a lot about the instrument. A small push in the right direction can have amazing results!

What is my favorite guitar?

I have always been a huge fan of the Gibson SG, mainly because while growing up, I listened to a lot of AC/DC and Black Sabbath, and now I am a huge fan of Derek Trucks, all players who are known for using this guitar.

What’s the best piece of advice I’d give to a beginning guitarist?

Take your time with your instrument, having fun during every stage of learning it, and if you feel overwhelmed, just relax for a moment with some of your favorite music.

What song am I learning how to master now?

Currently working on Scott Henderson’s “Dolemite”!

What was the first song I learned how to play?

From top to bottom, with solo included, it was Highway to Hell, by AC/DC.


December 22, 2023
Slipknot Amp Settings Guide

Slipknot Amp Settings Guide: Spilling Jim Root's and Mick Thomson's for Massive Riffs Slipknot's music is a constant presence in many of my students' and friends' lives. This American band formed in 1995 is known for its aggressive, modern sound which is born out of a combination of several factors. Currently, Jim Root and Mick […]

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December 13, 2023
Black Sabbath Amp Settings Guide

Black Sabbath Amp Settings Guide: Tony Iommi's Hand of Doom and a Sound for the Ages When I ask my guitar students about which metal bands they know and which ones they like the most, they almost always talk about Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Slipknot, and others. Only a few mention Black Sabbath, so I always […]

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December 3, 2023
David Gilmour Amp Settings Guide - One Step Closer to a Guitar God's Sound

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August 26, 2023
Boss Katana 50 Review

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August 23, 2023
The Definitive Guide to Drop A Guitar Tuning

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August 19, 2023
Best Baritone Acoustic Guitars Guide

Baritone guitars are very special instruments. Standing somewhere in between the register of a regular guitar and a bass, these instruments allow you to tread previously uncharted territory, producing unique sounds, tones, and expressing sensations that aren't as easy to convey if you limit yourself to the register of a normal guitar. While regular guitars […]

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August 18, 2023
Fulltone OCD Review and Guide

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August 18, 2023
Luna Guitars Brand Guide: Is It Worth Buying?

Luna Guitars is a company that specializes in building musical instruments, namely acoustic guitars, mandolins, banjos, ukeleles of various types, as well as acoustic and electric basses. They also manufacture cajones, a percussion instrument used in several music genres. It was founded in 2005 by Yvonne de Villiers, and its current headquarters are in Tampa, […]

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August 12, 2023
Best Gibson Acoustic Guitars Guide - A Legendary Brand

Gibson is one of those names that any guitarist will recognize instantly. It is one of the most legendary brands in the music universe, responsible for the creation of some of the most played instruments in the world. It was founded in 1902 by Orville Gibson, and it started by manufacturing instruments in the mandolin […]

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August 11, 2023
Best 3/4 Size Acoustic Guitar Options [GUIDE]

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